responsible knowledge. trustworthy solutions. inclusive impact.
In PulseX we have more than 20 years of experience in basic and applied research. We highlight a number of research works - National and European R&D funded projects, in relation to PulseX strategic research directions, as a direct or indirect contributor through its resident members
Social Explainable Recommendations and rEflective persoNalized Dynamic Interactions through a Private and Inclusive Trustworthy sYstem
To propose an innovative human-centred explainable AI framework that is composed of cutting-edge algorithms, models, paradigms and interactions for information consumption, learning and decision making through holistic user experiences;
To facilitate an enhanced: (i) search and discovery of users’ desired requests and services using the digital-ME of each user; (ii) adaptive guidance and augmentation of users’ tasks, executed via private and secure interactions; and (iii) user experience, motivation and engagement through personalized content exploration, information assimilation and reflection, and transparent best-fit explainable recommendations.
Scientific Areas
Explainable AI, Recommenders, User Modeling, Human Factors
Funding Organization
Resident members contribution
Principal Investigator
A smart platform that facilitates the career orientation and development of youth
To research and develop methods that bring into perspective the dimensions of diversity and gender equality in computational models in the career orientation and development domain. Primary concern is to increase the involvement of youth, that belong to sensitive groups, in STEM professions;
To propose a recommendation engine in the career orientation and development domain that considers, amongst others, factors like talents, personality, and company culture so as to minimize the mismatch rate between young talents and job posts;
To extend the transparency, fairness and explainability of existing architectures by bringing the end-user in the center - considering human factors and interactions that relate to their behaviour and cognitive abilities when interacting with career orientation and development content.
Scientific Areas
Educational Technology, User Modeling, Gamification, Recommenders, Machine Learning
Funding Organization
Ferry-Porsche-Stiftung, Germany
Resident members contribution
Main Scientific Contributor
An Intelligent Advisor Predicting Perceived Quality in Journalism
To develop an Intelligent Platform that will address current challenges in the area of data journalism, referring to the lack of clear rules and tools on how to write a journalistic piece that will be published online, something that often leads to "click-baiting" and fake news;
To build on the already conducted research and the relevant theoretical background, so as to create an innovative product for the Greek digital mass media market: An Intelligent Advisor for Quality in Journalism, which will guide editors real time on the expected success and quality of their piece of writing;
To address a number of key technical objectives, such as the quality enhancement of journalistic articles, the amplification of the dissemination of journalistic texts and the further development of Machine Learning in the field of perceived quality of journalistic articles.
Scientific Areas
Natural Language Processing, Perceptual Characteristics, Predictive Analytics, Data Visualization, Decision Making and Support
Funding Organization
ESPA, Greece
Resident members contribution
Scientific Consultant
GAMe based Education - Development and Integration of digital game-based learning techniques in pre-school education
To design and implement a digital educational game that will promote creative play, exploratory play, imagination, social play and to develop skills and abilities (cognitive and emotional development, physical locomotor abilities, word play etc);
The game’s basic concept is through digital narrative techniques and by using drawing as means of communication and expression of emotional states, to promote learning and achieve familiarity with abstract terms, ideas, notions, attitudes and values, necessary for a child’s mental development;
Our theoretical point of view is that there is a great necessity to describe and define the biological, cognitive and emotional characteristics of the children aging from 3 to 6 years old in relation to their developmental course and their education while at the same time from the game-based learning point of view it is important to devise a unified framework of principles and rules on which the instructors, the designers and the developers will work, so that they will produce a result that will be scientifically sound and accurate and it will be based on research outcomes that will correspond to the children’s needs and requirements.
Scientific Areas
GAMe based Education - Development and Integration of digital game-based learning techniques in pre-school education
Funding Organization
ESPA, Greece
Resident members contribution
Scientific Consultant
Personalizing Generic Web Environments
To implement and evaluate a dynamic Web-based framework for achieving dynamic adaptation and personalization of eServices' generic content based on human factors.
Given the users' diversified perceptual preferences, the same service content provided by an organization is reconstructed and delivered differently based on users' cognitive typologies and the proposed set of design guidelines. This way, there is an increase of information assimilation, accuracy on cognitive targets' searching activities and consequently enhancement of satisfaction and acceptability of the On-line services.
Scientific Areas
E-Commerce, Adaptation and Personalization, Cognitive Factors, User Modeling
Funding Organization
Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus
Resident members contribution
Main Scientific Contributor
Intelligent Data Exploration and Adaptive Meaningful Visualizations
To enable human-centered adaptive data visualizations that will facilitate more efficient and effective data exploration and analysis of complex and multivariate business datasets, for more effective decision making on critical business tasks.
To formulate a multi-dimensional human-centered user model, that is continuously enhanced by incorporating the user's’ real-time interaction and data exploration experience (allowing anonymous analysis of their interactions using machine learning techniques),
To dynamically adjust the structure and semantics of data visualizations, based on users’ individual characteristics so as to increase user satisfaction and comprehensibility during their activities.
Scientific Areas
Business Informatics, Adaptation and Personalization, Data Visualizations, Machine Learning, Reflective Analytics, Cognitive Factors
Funding Organization
Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus
Resident members contribution
Main Scientific Contributor